Sunday 30 November 2008

A Humpty Dumpty Way With Words?

'When I use a word,' Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, 'it means just what I choose it to mean - neither more nor less.'

report, from the Times Online, ought to cause misgivings in all of us:

'The civil servant at the heart of a Whitehall leak investigation was in hiding last night as a political storm raged over the arrest of the Tory frontbencher Damian Green.

The 26-year-old civil servant was detained at his home in Middlesex at 6am on November 19. The assistant private secretary, who has been suspended from his job, is being looked after by the Home Office at a secret location because it owes him a “duty of care”, officials said.'

The phrase 'in hiding' usually describes someone evading capture, not someone who has been captured and whose whereabouts must therefore be known to the authorities. Whom is he hiding from and why does he need 'looking after'? The truth is, of course, that he is being held incommunicado and his anonymity prevents anyone from ensuring that he is being 'cared' for properly. Those questions notwithstanding, given the appalling record of carelessness on the part of those paid from our taxes to 'care' for us, and the still suspicious circumstances of the death of Dr David Kelly in 2002, it is, perhaps, not unreasonable to ask whether we will ever hear of the unnamed civil servant again.

There can be few people in The Tartan McReich's Führer's Br*tain of 'the nations and regions' who would willingly entrust themselves to the Home Office were they in need of 'care'.

Gruff Thanks to Old Holborn for the link.

Wednesday 26 November 2008

New 'Challenge', New 'Mission Statement'

No one can say that The Tartan McReich's Führer is slow to catch on. Following yet another embarrassing revelation that the micro-managed state cannot manage a piss-up in a micro brewery the Bane of Fife, evidently aware that 'lessons will be learned' now excites nothing other than derision in the breasts of the people, has said that 'if there is a change to be made in the system and the system has failed, we will change the system'. Lest we over excite ourselves in the expectation of jam tomorrow we should remember that, notwithstanding the thousands of unprecedentedly destructive and unwanted changes he and his goons have made to our laws, The Clunking Fist has made similar promises before. Laughably, he threatened to change the law when the law found against the BBC and in favour of Nick Griffin but the BNP apparently goes from strength to strength, threatening the Labour Party as it does so. Few can doubt that, whatever changes they intend to make, or may make, to laws they may find temporarily inconvenient and systems that, when not properly adhered to, may result in humiliating exposure, the unparalleled record of arrogance, incompetence and criminal negligence that is the history of state controlled social work in England is unlikely to be substantially altered.

It matters not whether the monocular Jock and his troupe of glove puppets are responsible for the wilder excesses of those they believe they rule; his head is on the block and it wants only the roar of the crowd to bring the axe down.

Friday 21 November 2008

Project Race Relations

Nothing demonstrates more clearly just how wacky Br*tain has become than the treatment of PC Steve Bettley by Merseyside Police, as reported by the BBC. PC Bettley has been compelled to return from holiday to explain his inclusion in the BNP membership list and has been suspended while the matter is 'investigated'. Although the BNP is a legally constituted political party, and all legal attempts to render it mute have failed, the BBC, which has itself twice tried unsuccessfully to neuter the BNP, reports that police officers are forbidden to join or promote it 'to prevent harming race relations, according to the Association of Chief Police Officers (Acpo).' Helpfully (though whom they intend to help is open to speculation), The Merseyside Black Police Association (MBPA) has 'appealed for calm during the internal investigation'. Why it should feel it necessary to do so, and so quickly, is not immediately apparent but one might reasonably observe that unnecessary appeals for calm often whip up a not inconsiderable nor inconsequential storm.

While it's commendable that Merseyside Police are working to prevent any deterioration in 'race relations' it's reprehensible that not all Merseyside police officers are prohibited from joining racist organisations, and racist is precisely what the National Black Police Association demonstrably is, for in addition to apparently (Perhaps, in the Orwellian sense, objectively?) encouraging its members to see racial abuse, discrimination or hatred in every 'white' utterance and gesture it specifically excludes any and every police officer who is not 'black' from membership.

For years the general public has been encouraged to see police officers as blue rather than 'black' or 'white', even though most of us did so anyway and needed no 'education' (those of us who once respected the law - before the law declared war on us - respected its officers, regardless of skin tone), but for years 'black' police officers seem to have regarded themselves as other than truly 'blue'; other than simply officers of the law that views us all in the same light. It seems that while they've demanded that we should never see them in anything less than the same light as police officers of a lighter skin tone they've seen themselves as very definitely separate from the mainstream, almost, one might say, a race apart; separate from us even as we were told we were not to regard them as them. Their demands have not gone unanswered. So great has been the weight given to them that while 'The Police' accept that some police officers (a minority still barely visible to the majority of us in our 'horribly white' enclaves) serving in a 'racially' inclusive police force may wish to belong to a publicly funded, 'racially' exclusive organisation, and to obtain high promotion even though they are known to be so, others may not, without living in fear of their jobs. Is that not a confounding paradox in a 'tolerant, multi-racial, multi-cultural society'? Whether it is or not, when the majority are so obviously discriminated against it is undeniable that there has been a massive failure in the implementation of anti-discrimination legislation: There's something terribly wrong when unacceptably bright white is a wholly acceptable black perspective but hazy shades of grey are all that 'whites' may say they see in a country that was simply English little more than half a century ago.

Regardless of the failure of anti discrimination legislation to protect 'whites' or the English or whatever noun one uses to describes the law-abiding tax paying indigenous majority of England, that some police officers can be sacked for belonging to one racist organisation, in the interests of race relations, whilst others can belong to another and be promoted, merely through fear of an action for discrimination, proves that after more than thirty years of 'education' the law is now very obviously anything but colour blind. There can be little wonder at the 'revelation' that serving police officers are members of the BNP. The wonder is that so few are.

Few can doubt, and doubtless many will hope, that should the investigation determine that Constable Bettley is a member of the BNP he will have no choice other than to resign from 'The Police'. There are those who will vilify Steve Bettley as a 'fascist' for belonging to the BNP and a 'pig' for serving in 'The Police'. Such people will delight in the exposure and humiliation of yet another 'racist, fascist pig' yet they will only really be mollified by televised confessions before the assembled masses in Victory Square and the public execution of thought criminals . Such people are just some of the people that the popular consensus, as understood by essentially decent people who wish to live in a democracy, seeks to constrain yet is being prevented from doing so. Before we bask in the glow of Constable Bettley's inevitable televised confession we should pause to consider that in a police 'service' that has been thoroughly corrupted by the Newspeak of Blair and Brown overtly 'racist' police officers who allow their political opinions to cloud their professional judgement are unlikely to last very long. Whatever Steve Bettley's opinions of those he deals with as a police officer it is his conduct in those dealings and not his private thoughts that he should be judged by, and that alone.

It's been a very long time since an Englishman's political opinions could be presented as just cause for his dismissal and it is blackly ironic that one of the first victims of the nascent police state that is modern Br*tain should be a police officer.

Saturday 15 November 2008

Following The Previous Post ...

... and in the Interests of balance, here's a picture of some of Grooovey Dave's chums from Remove reacting to the news that there are still a few people who believe the Conservatives represent a serious alternative to those pesky oiks The Socialists!!!

Yoiks, Good shot. I say Bunter, throw another!

Jack Straw Presents Draft Falklands' Constitution

This photograph of Jack Straw and Jacqui (sic) Smith with McReich's Chancellor and Tax Gatherer General Alistair Darling was taken as senior McNazis celebrated the imminent establishment of a fascist regime by an ostensibly democratic government in a Br*tish possession. If The Falkland Experiment is successful it is expected to be extended to the 'United' Kingdom before May 2010, thus obviating the tedious business of general elections, according to an unnamed source at the Ministry of Lies.

Compare the photographs below, the resemblance is almost uncanny:

The difference between the two is that The Mad Hatter was not dangerous.

Wednesday 5 November 2008

Turn Up The Heat ...

... and screw down the lid. That's how our supposedly democratic government deals with those who wish peacefully to assert their hard won rights and liberties now.

Few in England can doubt that The Tartan McReich's Führer's lust for power is not sated yet and fewer still can really believe that his would-be replacement (and compatriot), Grooovey Dave, has the desire to change things. Only an English government can properly represent the interests of the people of England

Gruff thanks to Tuscan Tony, for the link to Guido Fawkes, and to Old Holborn.


It's disappointing that despite the election of the new Messiah the sky this afternoon is still heavily overcast, the temperature still unseasonably low, the economic situation still just as dire and the world still just as awful as it was the day before yesterday but there is now some faint hope that the Br*tish media will concentrate on domestic politics, at least until Jonathan Ross opens his mouth again .