Sunday, 8 April 2018

No, it's Not the First of April

Read this insanity, from the Daily Mail and ...

Of particular interest to connoisseurs of the absurd is this:

'Even private soldiers, sailors and airmen and women will be overlooked for promotion unless they actively demonstrate their support for troops who may not naturally feel comfortable in a military environment.'
Is it unreasonable to question why 'troops who may not naturally feel comfortable in a military environment' joined the army in the first place? That aside, the insanity continues:
'As part of the scheme, commanders will also have to list all the diversity and inclusion initiatives taken by their troops in their annual reports. The quality of a soldier’s report determines whether he or she is promoted.'
Soldiering now obviously of less importance in a soldier than his ability to write nice fluffy, fuzzy and snuggly reports on his efforts to make the army more comfortable for people who aren't cut out for service life and shouldn't be in the services. The personnel shortage can only become worse as sane and rational men leave in droves and potential recruits make a more sensible career choice.