Monday 11 June 2007

The Joy Of Diversity Or Policing On A Budget.

As immigration spirals out of control and the socially divisive effects of doctrinaire multiculturalism continue to nourish the decay of social cohesion, what cannot but be the wholly unforeseen effects of four decades of woolly thinking manifest themselves with increasing frequency. This is a sympton of cultural and social collapse and if urgent action is not taken political and economic disaster cannot be far ahead.

1 comment:

TotallyUn-Pc said...

I was in court once with 19 defendants on a diplomatic trespass job. of the 19 defendants in court, 14 of them had interpreters, paid for seperately by the state, every time anyone spoke, there was a cacophony. It was a joke. One bright spark.... a PC no less, questioned why 14 interpreters were needed. We were told we would infringe on their human rights if they were MADE to use the interpreter provided without choice fromthe defendants side.
Utter horseshit! But we persevered through the debacle right to the agonising end. I suspect at least 10 of the 14 actually spoke English, but had been advised by their counsel to stick to the "no speaka da english" to muddy the waters and reduce sentance when costs were applied for on being found guilty. Costs which they would have asked for had they one, regardless of the fact they weren'y paying. Wecome to Britain in the 21st century.
The most backward nation on the planet!