Monday 6 August 2007

Full Speed Ahead and Don't Worry About Icebergs

Whoever is in charge on the bridge of The Good Ship Whacky Br*tain, if indeed anyone is, seems heedless of the disaster towards which we are steaming headlong. Wonko has posted his understandably outraged comment on this story but it comes as no surprise to read what is just another barely credible tale of the official lunacy we fund with our hard earned taxes. After ten years of the sort of government that a madman such as Caligula might have had difficulty conceiving, England has been transformed into a country in which the indigenous population are officially second-class citizens.

It might have been comforting to reflect that, failing the outright abolition of what little remains of democracy in the English part of The Plodding Scotchman's beloved 'Br*tain of the nations and regions', Big Browner would have, at most, only three, destructive, years left but, despite three convincing defeats since 1997, the Conservatives have become, under Grooovey Dave, as electable as Labour were under Michael Foot. By describing the English as ignorant to a Glasgow audience and promising the Asian population of Ealing Southall, in languages that few others in England can understand, that he will make a number of their religious festivals bank holidays, Scotchman Cameron has made it very clear that he has nothing to offer the people of England but further disadvantage, division and discrimination. That the man clearly believes he addresses his particular audience in a bubble, his words untranslated and unreported, suggests that he lacks even a basic grasp of political realities in a fragmented and allegedly 'multicultural' society in which an increasingly disaffected and restless majority can see that it is disregarded and derided. The man is a buffoon and none but buffoons will vote for him.

We are ruled, unopposed, by a foreign politician we have not elected, a virtual dictator, intent on dismembering our country for the benefit of his own. Five hundred and twenty nine members of parliament sit at Westminster for constituencies in England yet very few have the courage to defend our country from the ravages of the Scotch dominated Br*tish state. The mainstream parties have abandoned us and our only hope is to fend for ourselves at the next general election.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry. Can only give you 10 out of 10 for this effort.