Thursday 11 September 2008

Collateral Damage

Much of the legislation that is being used by 'The Police' and 'partner agencies' (such as supposedly accountable local councils) in 'enforcement' in the apparently systematic destruction of our ancient rights and freedoms has been enacted by the governments of The Snivelling Little Rat and The Tartan McReich's Führer but a goodly deal of destruction was achieved by the brylcreamed clowns who served the Iron Lady and Pantman and it's tempting to suspect that there is indeed some grand conspiracy, and there may well be, but anyone who has ever been involved in politics knows that factionalism and incompetence render any concerted, long-term effort highly unlikely, in a 'local' context. Given the predilection of our elected 'servants' for opportunism and corruption it is much more likely that one repressive regime simply lays its authoritarian bricks on the courses left by others, regardless of pattern, so that the edifice that is thereby constructed resembles Canterbury rather than Salisbury cathedral; rambling, thematically discontinuous, sometimes stylistically discordant but massive and overawing nonetheless, and sustained by a multitude of nearly anonymous servants, all scuttling about in the shadows, outwardly professing obeisance to those above them but otherwise enforcing their own writ on those below them.

Such, it seems, are 'The Police'.

History records not one libertarian dictator and the prospect of electing one, especially one who would willingly retire when told his work was done, being remote, the only way to reverse this disgraceful and unacceptable state of affairs to the satisfaction of those who died that we might be free is to unpick, piece by piece, every piece of hasty, ill-conceived or ill-intended legislation enacted over at least the last eleven years. That cannot be achieved quickly but until it is those free men and women who are citizens of England must consider themselves in a state of 'cold civil war' with the Br*tish state. In a Br*tain of the nations and regions in which those who are not bureaucrats are suspects casualties are inevitable. Call them 'collateral damage' if you will but remember that collateral damage is a luxury available only to those with overwhelming might, and they tend to win.

Gruff thanks to Spy Blog for the link.

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