No one can say that The Tartan McReich's Führer is slow to catch on. Following yet another embarrassing revelation that the micro-managed state cannot manage a piss-up in a micro brewery the Bane of Fife, evidently aware that 'lessons will be learned' now excites nothing other than derision in the breasts of the people, has said that 'if there is a change to be made in the system and the system has failed, we will change the system'. Lest we over excite ourselves in the expectation of jam tomorrow we should remember that, notwithstanding the thousands of unprecedentedly destructive and unwanted changes he and his goons have made to our laws, The Clunking Fist has made similar promises before. Laughably, he threatened to change the law when the law found against the BBC and in favour of Nick Griffin but the BNP apparently goes from strength to strength, threatening the Labour Party as it does so. Few can doubt that, whatever changes they intend to make, or may make, to laws they may find temporarily inconvenient and systems that, when not properly adhered to, may result in humiliating exposure, the unparalleled record of arrogance, incompetence and criminal negligence that is the history of state controlled social work in England is unlikely to be substantially altered.
It matters not whether the monocular Jock and his troupe of glove puppets are responsible for the wilder excesses of those they believe they rule; his head is on the block and it wants only the roar of the crowd to bring the axe down.
There will be a series of posturing statements, mission statements, aims and objectives as is the norm. These will relate from every topic from the war on terror to the reductions (in real terms) of recycling bean cans and repairing pot holes ion the roads.
They will even make a policy about it.
After the mission statements will come the machinery put in place to measure the bits that the Gov't want to measure to show how well they think they have done. Then they will try to convinve everyone else how well they have done.
Result ? Nil.
Slaps on the back all round.
Who will judge them ? Vote X in the box every 5 years or so.
Benefits for the taxpayer ? Nil.
Same old, same old.............
'Same old, same old.............'
Yes indeed. 'Lessons will be learned, changes will be made ... '
There's a late mediaeval text called, if I recall correctly, The Parliament of Fools. I must try to find it, though now I come to think of it I think I may actually have a copy, in store two hundred miles away, with all my other books. I'm sure it describes similar idiocies from those in power in England seven hundred years or so ago.
Sadly, lessons are rarely learned and nothing ever really changes.
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