Sunday 14 December 2008

E-mail to McSnot Gobbler

The following was sent to The Tartan McReich's Führer:

'Dear Tartan McReich's Führer

You are unique in Br*tish political history. Not only are you universally loathed and despised as no other politician has been but you are the first PM I have ever heard anyone wish to see assassinated, and many do, even though you have saved the world. That's an impressive achievement (not the Saviour thing), and one that you can add to the destruction of both the 'United ' Kingdom and democracy in England. In a 'Br*tain of the nations and regions' (no mention of England?) run by a mad Scotch control freak addicted to explosive rages it is dangerous to be so frank, especially following the legalised murder of Jean Charles de Menezes and, less catastrophically, the arrest of a sitting MP for presenting to the public considerably fewer leaked documents than you did, but I feel duty bound as an Englishman to tell you that my country, perhaps your country too (and I don't mean 'our country', Tartan McReich's Führer, for 'we' have no country in common) is sick of you and wants you gone. Do the decent thing Gordon and push a spike through your one good eye into the stagnant and diseased Anglophobic mush that passes for your brain. Doubtless you are doing what your parents brought you up to do but you've made a complete cunt of yourself and self-immolation is the only way that you can possibly earn anything approaching the ghost of respect from the English.

You've written a great deal about courage Gordon but I wonder whether you actually have the balls to do the decent thing.

PS: You won't see this, I know, but it just may bring a smile to the face of the poor sod who has to field the myriad less than admiring e-mailed messages of your disenfranchised subjects; either that or a dozen armed 'counter-terrorism' officers in my bedroom while I am asleep, in which case I would offer, for their information: I'm difficult to rouse before noon, and tend to spout insane gibberish (Do I remind you of you?) if woken suddenly, and my wife will be most upset if armed McStasi do not take their boots off before walking on the carpet.'

Reports of an 'accidental' police shooting in Lytham St Annes should be taken with a pinch of salt.

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