Sunday 2 September 2007

Tough on Crime (ix)

Nigel Hastilow has this to say about the perversity of the law in Big Browner's Br*tain and its attitude to the citizens it now has no interest in protecting.


Daily Referendum said...

Nigel talks a lot of sense, thanks for pointing me to his blog.

William Gruff said...

I like his blog. It seems to me to be written by an intelligent man reduced to that level of anger that is acute but still well above near apoplectic incoherence by the almost incredible fantasies made real in Big Browner's Br*tain.

Daily Referendum said...

Not easily done. I find I have to delete a lot of what I write once I have calmed down. Not a problem the Devil has.

William Gruff said...

I too find myself saying 'no you can't publish that'. I'm not a fan of the Devil, though I read 'his' blog a couple of times a week, or so.

Anonymous said...

Dear Blogger,

I am an ex Met officer, now in my 3rd year of a full-time law degree. I have a research project underway and I really need the views of serving officers on one specific question (regarding s139 CJA 1988). I have created a small and very basic website which poses the question and allows officers to vote yes/no to the answer.

The site is (no’www’ – that’s important)

I’d be hugely grateful if you could pop a link to it on yr blog. For statistical purposes, the more replies I get, the better!


Phil Bowles