Tuesday 2 October 2007

Bright Sunlit Uplands? (LBD iv, ToC x)

McReich's Führer Braun's nasty, intolerant (and imploding) little banana republic cannot be what Churchill had in mind when he led the largest empire the world has ever known as it stood, almost alone, against what was then the most powerful military machine the world had ever seen in defence of freedom. Those who still remember that struggle must wonder, on the day that doctors and local council workers are given legal access to one's phone records and bank details - all in the cause of TWAT, of course (and European unity) - why they bothered. In two years' time personal e-mail and internet browsing records will be available to them, as well.

As of today it is also an offence to buy cigarettes under the age of eighteen years and to incite religious hatred. No one with even half a brain can seriously expect that sixteen and seventeen year olds will now be compelled to give up smoking or that those who call for the murder of cartoonists will be brought to justice. These laws merely satisfy the lust of the craven bullies we have elected to govern us for bludgeoning the law abiding majority while not offending even the least vocal of minorities and lobbyists, of whom they live in terror.

Wake up citizen!

1 comment:

gatesofvienna said...

What really got to me. was the other sunday helping a lady to cross the road she told me she was 87 years old then later with tears in her eyes said " You know that song, There will always be an England, well now i don't believe it anymore"
I couldn't argue with her just tried to comfort but how sad and dusgusting that her last days or months are spent thinking this.
She's noticed how come others' have not, or is it a case of hoping it will all just right its'self?