Tuesday 2 October 2007

Tough on Crime (xi)

Many will remember the old line 'if you want to know the time, ask a policeman'. In McReich's Führer Braun's nasty, intolerant (and imploding) little banana republic you might find yourself under arrest for doing so. The Devil's Kitchen has posted this item about two disabled men who were arrested for looking (yes that's right, looking) at a police officer. When one must go about with eyes downcast for fear of officers of the law, one is living in a police state.

What next, Gruff wonders.


Daily Referendum said...

So do I,

You could not make it up! Don't forget Labour are asking for permission to hold men like this for 90 days without charge.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget Labour are asking for permission to hold men like this for 90 days without charge.

I think gorgon needs a very long sleep meself!

Anonymous said...

Bit scary, ain't it?