Tuesday 25 December 2007

Who Laughs Last ...

Thanks to Inspector Gadget, Gruff has discovered PC Bloggs, the witty (and erudite) chronicle of a police officer worthy of the accolade Giftedly Cynical Idealist. This item brought just a trace of a festive tear to a jaded eye. One can't 'believe' in peace on Earth but one cannot but believe in Father Christmas.

A merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous new year to everyone.


PC Bloggs said...

Always nice to be "discovered"! Thanks for reading.

William Gruff said...

A personal discovery, rather than 'a first' for the human race. I'm aware that most people knew the world was not flat long before Columbus exported Europe's no.1 killer and imported America's but being the first to arrive at parties is never fun. Better late than never however.

You keep an excellent blog and I will be a regular reader of it from now on.