Jack Straw really is a vile piece of work: Having first effectively robbed the prison officers of much of their pay award he then acted swiftly to neuter the Prison Officers Association by outlawing strike action on their part. Not content with impoverishing them and rendering them politically impotent he now proposes to make some of them homeless as well, turning over their accommodations to house those for whom there is no room in our dangerously overcrowded gaols. The scum of the earth will be living rent-free in some of the choicest parts of London, one of the most expensive cities on the planet. It doesn't take a great leap of the imagination to predict increased crime and falling property prices in those areas and huge repair and renovation bills for the properties blighted by this incomprehensibly crass and unacceptably autocratic decision.
The camel's back cannot be very far from breaking.
Gruff thanks to Theo Spark for the link.
''The camel's back cannot be very far from breaking.''
I sincerely hope not!
Gruff - we are all in a collective nightmare, right? The question is, when the hell are 50 million of us going to wake up?
Let's face it, Jacko says lots of things. He should join his colleagues on jackanory. I forgot, he already has.
so many of us are asking the same question...how long?....I wish I knew the answer..it's so sad.
With the possibility of the shafting of the prison officers it appears that ACPO are considering a decision to change the policy allowing Police to enter prisons instead of only patrolling the perimiters. They had always been against that but it looks like they might be having a change of mind, can't think why.
Lawyers like Jack Straw and Tony Blair all have their arses covered for the rest of their lives, however if this recession continues to go the way it is in America there is a chance these people will be guilty of something, who else was overseeing the banks?
PARLIAMENT oversees the FSA the FSA over the banks and the banks over us!
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