Monday 10 March 2008

Getting One's Priorities Right.

The recent announcement that Her Majesty The Queen has expressed concerns about global warming while apparently unconcerned that her government is rapidly destroying the hard won liberties of her subjects as it works to subsume her realm into a despotically bureaucratic European superstate merely illustrates why the monarchy is increasingly seen as of decreasing relevance in whacky Br*tain. With the decline of the monarchy goes a decline in the need for regal spectacle and it is not unjust to question whether our critically (and cynically) depleted army can reasonably be expected to continue to maintain the pomp and splendour of the household division. That notwithstanding, it is certainly justifiable to question whether it is defensible to spend £321,000.00, in the past five years alone, on bearskins for the foot guards whilst pleading poverty as the excuse for failing to provide body armour to those of Her Majesty's soldiers serving her interests overseas.

Whether or not one's concerns are for the bears, ill-equipped troops on active service or simply the absurd cost of self-serving, archaic and decreasingly relevant rituals of imperial majesty, a petition to stop the purchase of skins by the MoD can be signed here.

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